/* */
/* PROJECT : SAMSUNG ECC for 256byte */
/* PURPOSE : This file implements core ECC algorithms adopted
/* Hamming Error Correction and Detection Algorithm */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted to licensees of Samsung Electronics
/* Co., Ltd. products to use or abstract this computer program
for the */
/* sole purpose of implementing a product based on Samsung */
/* Electronics Co., Ltd. products. No other rights to reproduce,
use, */
/* or disseminate this computer program, whether in part or in
whole, */
/* are granted. */
/* */
/* Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. makes no representation or warranties
/* with respect to the performance of this computer program, and
/* specifically disclaims any responsibility for any damages,
/* special or consequential, connected with the use of this program.
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* 13-NOV-2003 [Chang JongBaek] : first writing */
/* 03-MAR-2004 [ Kim YoungGon ] : Second writing */
/* 03-MAR-2004 [ Lee JaeBum ] : Third writing */
/* */
/* NOTES */
/* */
/* - Make ECC parity code of 256bytes is represented */
/* And ECC compare & Correction code is also represented */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Address Types */
typedef unsigned char * address_t; /* address (pointer) */
typedef unsigned long address_value_t; /* address (for calculation)
typedef unsigned long ULONG; /* address (for calculation) */
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
/* Integer Types */
typedef unsigned int uint32_t; /* unsigned 4 byte integer */
typedef signed int int32_t; /* signed 4 byte integer */
typedef unsigned short uint16_t; /* unsigned 2 byte integer
typedef signed short int16_t; /* signed 2 byte integer */
typedef unsigned char uint8_t; /* unsigned 1 byte integer */
typedef signed char int8_t; /* signed 1 byte integer */
typedef unsigned int UINT32; /* unsigned 4 byte integer */
typedef unsigned char UINT8; /* unsigned 1 byte integer */
typedef signed int INT32; /* signed 4 byte integer */
typedef unsigned int UINT; /* unsigned 4 byte integer */
typedef signed int INT; /* signed 4 byte integer */
typedef unsigned short USHORT; /* unsigned 2 byte integer */
typedef signed short SHORT; /* signed 2 byte integer */
typedef unsigned char UCHAR; /* unsigned 1 byte integer */
typedef signed char CHAR; /* signed 1 byte integer */
UCHAR ecc_gen[3];
typedef enum {
ECC_NO_ERROR = 0, /* no error */
ECC_CORRECTABLE_ERROR = 1, /* one bit data error */
ECC_ECC_ERROR = 2, /* one bit ECC error */
ECC_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR = 3 /* uncorrectable error */
} eccdiff_t;
void make_ecc_256(unsigned char*, unsigned char*);
eccdiff_t compare_ecc(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned
char*, int, unsigned char);
/* */
/* NAME */
/* make_ecc_256 */
/* This function generates 3 byte ECC for 512 byte data. */
/* (Software ECC) */
/* ecc_buf the location where ECC should be stored */
/* data_buf given data */
/* none */
/* */
void make_ecc_256(unsigned char* ecc_buf, unsigned char* data_buf)
unsigned int i;
unsigned int tmp;
unsigned int uiparity = 0;
unsigned int parityCol, ecc = 0;
unsigned int parityCol4321 = 0, parityCol4343 = 0, parityCol4242
= 0, parityColTot = 0;
unsigned int* Data = (unsigned int*)(data_buf);
unsigned int Xorbit=0;
for( i = 0; i < 8; i++)
parityCol = *Data++;
tmp = *Data++; parityCol ^= tmp; parityCol4242 ^= tmp;
tmp = *Data++; parityCol ^= tmp; parityCol4343 ^= tmp;
tmp = *Data++; parityCol ^= tmp; parityCol4343 ^= tmp; parityCol4242
^= tmp;
tmp = *Data++; parityCol ^= tmp; parityCol4321 ^= tmp;
tmp = *Data++; parityCol ^= tmp; parityCol4242 ^= tmp; parityCol4321
^= tmp;
tmp = *Data++; parityCol ^= tmp; parityCol4343 ^= tmp; parityCol4321
^= tmp;
tmp = *Data++; parityCol ^= tmp; parityCol4242 ^= tmp; parityCol4343
^= tmp; parityCol4321 ^= tmp;
parityColTot ^= parityCol;
tmp = (parityCol >> 16) ^ parityCol;
tmp = (tmp >> 8) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 4) ^ tmp;
tmp = ((tmp >> 2) ^ tmp) & 0x03;
if ((tmp == 0x01) || (tmp == 0x02))
uiparity ^= i;
Xorbit ^= 0x01;
tmp = (parityCol4321 >> 16) ^ parityCol4321;
tmp = (tmp << 8) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 4) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 2) ^ tmp;
ecc |= ((tmp << 1) ^ tmp) & 0x200; // p128
tmp = (parityCol4343 >> 16) ^ parityCol4343;
tmp = (tmp >> 8) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp << 4) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp << 2) ^ tmp;
ecc |= ((tmp << 1) ^ tmp) & 0x80; // p64
tmp = (parityCol4242 >> 16) ^ parityCol4242;
tmp = (tmp >> 8) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp << 4) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 2) ^ tmp;
ecc |= ((tmp << 1) ^ tmp) & 0x20; // p32
tmp = parityColTot & 0xFFFF0000;
tmp = tmp >> 16;
tmp = (tmp >> 8) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 4) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp << 2) ^ tmp;
ecc |= ((tmp << 1) ^ tmp) & 0x08; // p16
tmp = parityColTot & 0xFF00FF00;
tmp = (tmp >> 16) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 8);
tmp = (tmp >> 4) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 2) ^ tmp;
ecc |= ((tmp << 1) ^ tmp) & 0x02; // p8
tmp = parityColTot & 0xF0F0F0F0 ;
tmp = (tmp << 16) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 8) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp << 2) ^ tmp;
ecc |= ((tmp << 1) ^ tmp) & 0x800000; // p4
tmp = parityColTot & 0xCCCCCCCC ;
tmp = (tmp << 16) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 8) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp << 4) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 2);
ecc |= ((tmp << 1) ^ tmp) & 0x200000; // p2
tmp = parityColTot & 0xAAAAAAAA ;
tmp = (tmp << 16) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 8) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp >> 4) ^ tmp;
tmp = (tmp << 2) ^ tmp;
ecc |= (tmp & 0x80000); // p1
ecc |= (uiparity & 0x01) <<11; // parit256_1
ecc |= (uiparity & 0x02) <<12; // parit512_1
ecc |= (uiparity & 0x04) <<13; // parit1024_1
if (Xorbit)
ecc |= (ecc ^ 0x00A8AAAA)>>1;
ecc |= (ecc >> 1);
ecc = ~ecc;
*(ecc_buf + 2) = (unsigned char) (ecc >> 16);
*(ecc_buf + 1) = (unsigned char) (ecc >> 8);
*(ecc_buf + 0) = (unsigned char) (ecc);
/* */
/* NAME */
/* compare_ecc_256 */
/* This function compares two ECCs and indicates if there is
an error. */
/* ecc_data1 one ECC to be compared */
/* ecc_data2 the other ECC to be compared */
/* page_data content of data page */
/* offset where the error occurred */
/* corrected correct data */
/* Upon successful completion, compare_ecc returns SSR_SUCCESS.
/* Otherwise, corresponding error code is returned. */
/* */
eccdiff_t compare_ecc_256(uint8_t *iEccdata1, uint8_t *iEccdata2,
uint8_t *pPagedata, int32_t pOffset, uint8_t pCorrected)
uint32_t iCompecc = 0, iEccsum = 0;
uint32_t iFindbyte = 0;
uint32_t iIndex;
uint32_t nT1 = 0, nT2 =0;
uint8_t iNewvalue;
uint8_t iFindbit = 0;
uint8_t *pEcc1 = (uint8_t *)iEccdata1;
uint8_t *pEcc2 = (uint8_t *)iEccdata2;
for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex <2; iIndex++)
nT1 ^= (((*pEcc1) >> iIndex) & 0x01);
nT2 ^= (((*pEcc2) >> iIndex) & 0x01);
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < 3; iIndex++)
iCompecc |= ((~(*pEcc1++) ^ ~(*pEcc2++)) << iIndex * 8);
for(iIndex = 0; iIndex < 24; iIndex++) {
iEccsum += ((iCompecc >> iIndex) & 0x01);
switch (iEccsum) {
case 0 :
printf("RESULT : no error\n");
return ECC_NO_ERROR;
case 1 :
printf("RESULT : ECC 1 bit error\n");
case 11 :
if (nT1 != nT2)
iFindbyte = ( ((iCompecc >> 15 & 1) << 7) +
((iCompecc >> 13 & 1) << 6)
+ ((iCompecc >> 11 & 1) << 5) + ((iCompecc >>
9 & 1) << 4) + ((iCompecc >> 7 & 1) <<
+ ((iCompecc >> 5 & 1) << 2) + ((iCompecc >>
3 & 1) << 1) + (iCompecc >> 1 & 1) );
iFindbit = (uint8_t)(((iCompecc >> 23 & 1) <<
2) + ((iCompecc >> 21 & 1) << 1) + (iCompecc
>> 19 & 1));
iNewvalue = (uint8_t)(pPagedata[iFindbyte] ^ (1 << iFindbit));
printf("iCompecc = %d\n",iCompecc);
printf("RESULT : one bit error\r\n");
printf("byte = %d, bit = %d\r\n", iFindbyte, iFindbit);
printf("corrupted = %x, corrected = %x\r\n", pPagedata[iFindbyte],
if (pOffset != NULL) {
pOffset = iFindbyte;
if (pCorrected != NULL) {
pCorrected = iNewvalue;
default :
printf("RESULT : unrecoverable error\n");